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18 January 2009

Oh, no. Not The Paris Dress.

From all the sacred old clothes, Stardoll had to re-release the Paris Dress.

Yeah, you heard it. The Paris dress.

It's not even that rare, you know. But it's from Paris Hilton, our fashion and lifestyle icon.

And they even released corsets and tiny, tiny shorts known as "hotpants".


WE ALL KNOW THAT PARIS IS NOT A WHORE WHO WEARS CORSETS AND HOTPANTS!! She wears designer clothing, the designer clothes WE want to have on Stardoll instead of *cough* fugly *cough* re-releases.

Where were the glorious times, when Style and Eternity ruled as the fashion magazines? I mean, the first one hasn't published since August.

Only Callie knows what goes on the Stardoll Staff's mind. That is, if she's real.

Go check it out for yourself! The Paris Dress, on Fallen Angel, for $5 and non-ss. Okay, at least they made it available for every true Paris Fan.

I think I'm never going to truly like Stardoll again.

[emotional post, I know. But I couldn't handle it anymore].

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