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16 January 2010

New Superstar Price + MiniShop Sale

The Superstar Upgrade price goes from $5.95 to $6.95... and I was quite surprised that 6 superstar months costed $5.95, until I saw: 6 x 5.65 = $35.70.
Yet again, Stardoll is misleading us with their prices and confusing limited offers (35% more stardollars? How much is that?).

What are your thoughts?


Also, there's a superstar only minishop sale.


  1. woah. i'm not becoming ss no matter how much stardoll persuades me! :}cuz i don't think its worth it ;)

  2. that doesn't even make sense.why would they do that?

  3. Stardoll is getting worse and worse. With this added to the bunch of rubbish they are creating, I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of the members just "misteriously" stopped going on to their accounts.
