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07 December 2009

St. Trinian's Shop! + FREE St. Trinian's T-Shirt!

You can't see it, but you can get all the clothes in your fitting room at the StarPlaza clicking here. Some stuff is superstar, and nothing is free! :(

However, you can get a FREE St. Trinian's T-Shirt following this steps:

1. Go to an UK server like goproxing.com
2. In the Proxy URL Bar, put stardoll.com/en/cinema/?id=122
3. Log into your doll, then close the window!

[first picture from Stardoll's Top Designers]


  1. I'm so glad you guys post again after about 1 and a half month nothing..I was worrying because after the Pink For October thing was nothing posted..

    May I asked why you guys weren't posting?

    xx Bella

  2. is that shop going to come to star plaza or is it probably never going to show up?
