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15 April 2009

FREE Chloe Dog

[Picture from Free.Stuff]

If you're from the Netherlands, you can get the dog by watching the trailer in the cinema. But if you are not Dutch, follow these steps to get the FREE Chloe Dog:

1. Go into surfert.nl
2. Type in: stardoll.com/nl/cinema
3. Log in
4. Wait a few seconds, then log out.
5. Log in to normal Stardoll. There you have your dog!

Si sos de Holanda, solo anda al Cinema y mira al trailer para tener a este perrito GRATIS. Sino, segui estos pasos:

1. Anda a surfert.nl
2. Escribi: stardoll.com/nl/cinema
3. Entra en tu doll
4. Espera un segundo, luego sali. Tenes a tu perro!

1 comment:

  1. I got a do the barbie shirt and a barbie doll.
